The Case of Artur Berlet - 8 days on another planet

remark - the text here in this introducton is amateur traslated from portogize
and a more comprehensive introduction or summary can be found at the bottom of this page

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In the year 1958 a man named Artur Berlet disappears from the city. After 11 days he returns and reveals an amazing story of an abduction and travel to another planet.

He was an employee of the "Municipal Prefecture de Sarandi" -  Artur Berlet - and when returning on May 25, said he was abducted by aliens and had traveled to another world.

The importance of this case of UFO cases in Brazil is that he was the only abductee who transcribed his entire story on paper and pencil and that was later brought to TV network in Brazil by RBS, were 5 days of recordings in the area of  the "rapture".

The oldest abduction case registered in Brazil is that of Antonio Villas Boas (see separate article or youtube) in 1957. The first reported case of flying objects in Brazil took place in 1952 in Rio and was named "Barra da Tijuca" when a UFO was photographed by the now defunct magazine "O Cruzeiro.

Berlet's account, rather gloomy, could be understood only years after the event. Some of the technologies described in the text, appeared years later, such as photocells for converting sunlight, dry food in the form of pills or running shoes with shock absorbing structures and special reinforcements, sound communication and image-telephones (cell phones) and the most impressive, Yuri Gagarin's first trip the day April 12, 1961 or the launch of the first Soviet artificial satellite Sputnik, which was part of the conquest of space that was initiated. How could a simple farmer predict such things at that time?

Berlets fantastic narrative came in book in 1969 with help from researcher Walter Buhler and K Macedo Jorge Ernesto Geisel, titled Utopia Records Voador da da Realidade. The book also talked about other technologies that will surely be discovered  in the coming/ future years.

Berlet was a simple person who disappeared under his photo/film catching in a city of only 3 000 inhabitants. He was 11 days gone in the abduction.

Artur Berlet reveals 422 pages written manuscripts what he lived thru, who he met and what he learned, ex. to watch and  live with new technologies that after almost 50 years we are still to be discovered here.

Berlet died in the decade of the 90ths.

The things of life and work of Artur Berlet as documents, personal items, manuscripts, photos, clothing, etc. are located in the International Museum of Ufology in Brazil. A research update on the case of Berlet is being led by Hernan Mostajo, Investigator founding director of the Museum.


introduction to theArtur Berlet Case: Enigma after 49 years

(also this txt is amateur-translated from engl.)

Artur Berlet tractor Prefecture of Sarandi, Rio Grande do Sul, returning from the interior of the city, traveling either by foot or to ride, when, at 19  hours (7pm), passing by the farm of Dr. Dionisio Peretti, he saw a light by the roadside a few 200 meters from where he was.

He crossed the wire fence to see what it was and, reaching 3 m further when he found that the dim light came from a huge circular object, about  30 meters in diameter, whose form resembled two trays, turned against one another.

Afraid, he thought about running away, but curiosity was stronger and he took a few steps.

Suddenly, there were some figures and a strong jet of light hit him, causing he lost consciousness.



To regain consciousness, he found himself tied to a bed - type hospital bed.  Some people moved apparently unrelated to his presence.

They were high/tall, more than normal on earth, clear, straw-colored hair.

”I tried to direct me to them in several languages. Some looked at me indifferent, some even looked ...”

Soon after, Berlet was untied by two individuals who raised and led to another compartment, where you wore a long cloak.

Always supported the flanks because he felt too weak, the men led him through several rooms to a door.

Surprised, he found that the ship rested on firm ground, in a strange city.

”- I had the impression that i had lost half my weight and at the same time, that my shoulders had risen in volume.”

Helped by two crew members, left the disc and was carried on foot by a narrow street with tall buildings of various colors and intense light, to a large building, where they entered. There, he was fed with a kind of meat and bread.

Then he was led into another room, where many people had gathered.

Tried to establish conversation with him, but not mutually understood.  Berlet told him in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian and German. (he had had german ancestors) When he spoke in the latter, one of them stood up, showing great joy, and said:

”- Deutsch?” - Deutsch? ” (this man had had some kind of german education as had been on Earth in a mission, see later in the main-story on the case.)

After the meeting, this man who could speak only three or four words in German led him to another building. So, Berlet took a bath ”as light as water gas,” donned new clothes they gave him and was taken to a room where several people seated around a rectangular table, talking animatedly.

His companion said something to them and then stood up,  tall and strong, telling him in good German: ” - Sit down. ”

Thereafter this person, named Acorc, became his tour guide, leading him to visit that and other cities Acart (or Akart) - the name of that world - explaining what he saw and wondered.




They made clear to him that the planet at that time was 62 million miles from Earth.  It has no natural satellites, but has two huge space platforms spinning around.

The means of transportation are air. The city is like ours, but the streets are used only for pedestrians.  At night, the streets have no need for lighting because of the brightness of the walls.

For the transportation of people, they have small ships, with capacity for two to 10 passengers.  They are like airplanes without wings, solar-powered engines.

Made of lightweight material and super-resistant, can stop in midair and fly it into a roof-top.  The heavy duty vehicles are also used in space travel.

One year there is equivalent to 676 Earth days, one month to 61 days and 6 hours inland, a week, 9 days and 14 hours, one day, 46 hours, and one hour to 7 hours and 40 minutes. 

The big problem is  overcrowding/overpopulation.  Therefore, acartianos are looking at Earth. Not to invade us by force because ”they have a high sense of humanity, are highly evolved and well in thought.”

However, they ”know” we will destroy ourselves with our atomic weapons, which will not delay too much and then, without war, without any violence, they could occupy our - then -  dead planet. Radioactivity devices could, within minutes, transforming the atomic poison fertilizers to soil, to vegetation and so liveable for  living beings.

Their arms are just of two sorts: disintegrating and neutralizing thru this "solar-energy-device". The latter also used in medicine and agriculture.

On the system of government, Berlet did not know how to qualify it. Said to be a mix of systems with a different name. There is no money in circulation. Its capital, that city where he was, had 90 million inhabitants!  All the parents had worked for the community and have a very high standard of living.

The governor is elected every three years by a board of 500 members.


The trip back

His host on Acart -  the cosmonave Acorc - would accompany him to Earth, and gave him a pill.

”- Will I have to make the journey as an unconscious state?”

”- No, this time will not be accurate. You can scroll through large sections of the agreed route, without any danger. Only in the areas of magnetic turbulences in order to better withstand...

You should sleep: when leaving the magnetic field The letter, go to the call neutral ground and magnetic cross the barriers of the Earth. ”

The pill, which also the crew took, was the only food during the trip.

"...he graciously took leave off the disc.  Waded 10 steps ahead, without turning, following the recommendation of Acorc. Then he stopped and looked back, hoping to see the takeoff of cosmonave ...  Everything disappeared in those few moments!

Still obeying acartiano recommendations, he made the entire journey on foot to his home, slowly, taking three hours in this course, which is normally done in one hour only.

 In the first week after returning, he stayed at home to completely recover the lost energy and to order his ideas confused, troubled by what he had lived eight days in the strangest adventure of his life.
(and more intro a page down)

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more on this story and some illustrations on


ET-contact table

main - no

Brazil has been the focus for a lot of observations and physical contacts for many years since the 50ths, and much happend  in the 80s as can be read here for example


a more comprehensive introduction or summary can be to read here:


A good summary of the book:

UFO Contact from Planet Acart: From Utopia to Reality


Incident Described

(in the book of j.heapes: Other Worlds, Ufos, Aliens, and the Afterlife)

Artur Berlet drove a tractor for the municipality of Sarandi, Rio

Grande do Sul, in Brazil. He was a part-time photographer, married

with two children. He had a three-year-old daughter and one-year-

old son. The book described this incident as one of the earliest

abductions in modern times.

Artur “was gone for nine terrestrial days, from May 14 to 23,


He was walking to the city of Sarandi at about 7:00 a.m.,

and had just passed a farm (belonging to Dr. Dionisio Peretti). The

witness then saw a strange light above some trees about two

hundred meters (656 feet) away, and he came to within one

hundred feet of it. He observed a rounded object, approximately

one hundred feet in diameter, with a construction of what looked

like two bowls inverted one on top of the other. The UFO had a

red-to-ash-colored opaque light coming from it. Two shadows then

appeared, and a strong beam of light hit the witness as he lost


He reported going to another planet in a UFO, which was thirty

meters (ninety-eight feet) in diameter, propelled by solar energy,

and shaped like the one he saw over the trees. The trip took thirty

hours and covered sixty-two million kilometers. The spacecraft

traveled at four hundred to five hundred kilometers per second.

When he awoke, he found himself in a “milky white” hospital

bed on a craft. The room was rectangular with one rounded side.

The aliens fastened his arms, loosened them, lifted him up, and

took him to a nearby compartment. They gave him a Long cape with

sleeves extending to his feet.

illustration up -  some similar "here"

After the craft had landed, they took him into a street where he

saw buildings of various colors and types. The streets were six feet

wide, with many pedestrians dressed in strange-colored jumpsuits

and no vehicular traffic. Aircraft Landed on tops of buildings.

Two beings escorted Artur into a tall, metal building with an

interior of upholstery-like cloth. Exterior building walls emitted

light that nearly blinded him. He was in a temporary prison with

walls of a thick, furry fabric. Water gushed out of a pipe, and there

was a small table and a bed. He lied down and felt hungry. Two

males and a female entered his room and brought him food that

looked like gelatin. They also gave him dark, grain-like bread and

something like soup. The witness described some of this food as

having a repugnant smell.

Another being with a smile on his face patted Artur on the back

as if to say, “Calm down; everything is okay.”

They then entered a five- to six-story building, where he undressed in a bathroom,

showered, and dressed in trousers and a shirt. Previously, the aliens

had treated the witness as a prisoner, but now they treated him as a


Artur found himself in a room with a rectangular table and high-

backed chairs. There were about fifteen others in the space. Soon, a

heavyset, middle-aged male alien, with a juvenile smile entered and

told Artur to “sit down.” When Artur asked the alien's name, he

replied, “Acorc Cat.” The beings reassured Artur, and then they


When finished, they each said good-bye by placing a hand on

Artur’s shoulder. Artur and the creatures boarded a vehicle, and

then, with the touch of a lever, they ascended. Solar energy

powered the vehicle. Although no vehicles drove on the ground,

they filled the sky. Acorc took Artur to visit his family in their city,

“Con.” Their vehicle landed on a pad outside the family’s

apartment on the tenth floor. They went into a room furnished with

a small table and a screen on the wall. Acorc Cat's wife was on the

screen. Acorc called his friend, Tuec, on a phone, and, shortly

afterward, Acorc’s wife and daughter arrived.

The daughter had blue eyes and straw-colored hair that fell over

her shoulders. She was tall, with an oval face, white skin, a

medium-size mouth and lips, and a thin nose. She wore a dress that

fell to her feet, with embroidery on the sleeves and bodice. She

asked Artur if he had a large family, and if he was comfortable

being on another planet. She peppered him with a host of other


illustration up -  some similar "here" on Earth

They then went in an elevator to a terrace that looked out over a

“majestic and beautiful” city. (See chapter 4, “A Friendly Family,”

in UFO Contact from Planet Acart. German ed.) Acorc pointed out

universities, factories, and government buildings. When Artur felt

hungry, he asked how many meals a day they ate. Acorc replied,

“Five.” Acorc told Artur that he would meet the Son of the Sun,

who was their governor. It was he who would determine if, and

when, Artur could return to Earth. Acorc told Artur he had to be

unconscious on his trip back for his own physical safety. They

“dropped him off” about three miles from his city (Sarandi, Brazil).

Artur was weak, but arrived home nine days after disappearing.

Planet’s Environment.

There were twenty billion inhabitants on Acart. It was not a blue

planet, even though it had an ocean. It had four colors: one from

the ground, another from the water, another from the corona around

the globe of their planet, and another that came up almost as far as

the space platform (thirty-one thousand miles from Acart). The

weather on the planet was intensely cold, but there was a warm

beach area. The beach had sand and a row of trees. The witness

described it as a “veritable paradise."(See chapter 19, “Marine

Recreation,” in UFO Contact from Planet Acart.)

This planet had only one season. The sky was almost the color of lead, and the sun

was not as brilliant as Earth’s. There were continents separated by

seas, at least one river, and a mountainous region. There was no

moon, but there were two gigantic, orbiting space platforms

populated with thousands of beings and vehicles. Acart had some

very large cities, and the capital was Con, where Acorc and his

family lived.

Demography: Aliens’ Characteristics

Acartians looked much like humans, but paler. As a race, they were

white with straw-colored or dark hair. They had a medium stature,

but were greater in size than humans. Their blood was blue, not


The witness reported about individual Acartians, not the beings

as a group. For instance, the wife of the Son of the Sun was tall and

a little heavy, with straw-colored hair. Her skin was deathly pallid

and ashened. Her mouth was not too big, but she had full, slightly

protruding lips. She had a fine semi long nose, and bright, large,

active eyes. This creature examined all who passed by. She had an

independent personality.

The son of the Son of the Sun, was ten years old, and had the

same personality and similar looks as his mother. The daughter was

sixteen or seventeen years old. She was slender, tall, and “Flat as a

board, without any curves. Her neck was long and slender.” Artur

was afraid of her “Pointed chin, gash of a mouth, long teeth, and

narrow and long nose. Her eyes were more oval, like Cleopatra's,

and her hair was long and loose with little color to it.” (See chapter

11, “A Lunch with the Son of the Sun,” in UFO Contact from

Planet Acart.)


The Acartians had three reasons for contacting humans, They

wanted to:

(1) learn about humans;

(2) instruct earthlings in the use

of solar energy, persuading them to give up atomic energy; and

(3)explore Earth, which Acartians wanted to occupy alter humans

killed themselves in a nuclear war they foresaw to come!

They abducted Artur for bread! They told Artur they wanted him

to teach them how to grow grain for bread. Their bread grew on

trees, and it did not taste too good to them. They wanted to learn

how to plant wheat.


Non material Components of Culture

Acartian years, months, days, and hours translated into the

following formula:

1 year = 353 days (but, every 6 years, they drop 1 day = 352 days)

11 months = 1 year

32 days = 1 month (the first month has 33 days except in the

year that has 32 days)

46 hours = 1 day (Acartian hours are divided into 1/10ths and


(Inconsistency with the numbers cited [e.g., 32 days x 11 months =

352 days, and not 353 days) is due to a discrepancy in the original


In Earth terms, Acartian time translate into the following

(according to Berlet’s calculations):

1 Acartian year = 675 Earth days (1.8 Earth years)

1 Acartian month = 61 days and 8 hours Earth time

1 Acartian hour = 7 hours and 40 minutes Earth time

Artur forgot the names of the meals, but he felt that Acartians

“ate all day”; he also said that they never ate a meal without saying

a prayer. Acartians consumed alcoholic beverages in their homes,

but not in public places. Such drink was made from fruit. They

went to bed at four-tenths of the first hour of the night.


The following values formed the foundation of the Acartian


Work—an Acartian value, evident from the fact that all

Acartians were eager to work. The impression was that

Acartians had a Marxian viewpoint. They distinguished

between work and labor. The first was desirable, and the

second was drudgery.

Noninterference—another Acartian value, and a

principle that guided their relations with those from

other planets. They felt compelled by their religious and

moral beliefs neither to interfere with the internal

workings of other planets nor to invade them.

Competition and Recreation—two other Acartian

values, as witnessed by the sports they played.

(Apparently, these two values were extremely

important, as they commanded the longest chapter in

UFO Contact from Planet Acart (chapter 25]; or,

perhaps, this simply reflected the values of the book's


Equality—another Acartian value, deduced from the

fact that they did not have a system of stratification.

Such a system would recognize inequality among

individuals, so the lack of one would effectively

Indicate that they valued equality. In fact, their governor

(the Son of the Sun) was an equal among Acartian

citizens. He neither lived in a better house nor sat in a

plush area at public events (e.g., sporting events).

Compassion and Peace—two other Acartian values.

Acartians saw that God created all, and there was no

heed to accumulate riches or to preach falsehoods,

intrigue, or disunity. Everyone should be united. Beings

should give freely to each other the things God

bestowed upon them.

Knowledge—another important Acartian value, as

Acartians sought to learn about everything.

Efficiency—another Acartian value, and one that guided

Acartians on their (and any other) overpopulated planet.

They had to be efficient, or they could not meet the

heeds of so many beings.

Status and Role

Acartian males studied until they were eleven years old, and then

they worked in professions approved by their schools. They

worked until they were thirty-six years old, and then they retired.

Females also studied until they were eleven years old. After this

time, they either married and cared for the home, or they worked in

various professions. The role of females in the home was similar to

that of human women prior to feminism. For example, Acorc’s

wife always made the meals without Acorc’s assistance, and it was

she who always accompanied their children.

Daily Routine, Social Etiquette/Ceremonies and Rituals

Acartians greeted and left each other by placing their hands on one

another's shoulders. If they knew each other well, they extended

both hands, one on each shoulder. If they knew someone slightly,

only one hand was placed on the other’s shoulder. They did not

shake each other's hands.

Students congregated to take pant in parades and celebrations for

the Son of the Sun. These events took place the night before

“Guard Day.” (The purpose of this was not disclosed.) A young

Acartian brought a blank piece of paper to a sporting event, and

gave it to the Son of the Sun, who waved it in the air, after which

symbols appeared on the paper.

Material Components of Culture


Houses were much like they are on Earth, but with one important

exception: they had platforms attached where their airplanes

landed. They needed these platforms because airplanes were their

mode of transportation. Houses no higher than one hundred feet,

prefabricated, and composed of laminated steel. Lights emanated

two to three meters outward from the walls of houses, although

there were no streetlights.


Acartians had streets, but they did not use them for motorized

transport. As the roads were only six feet wide, Acartians used

them for pedestrian traffic only. There were no cars on the planet.

Acartians traveled in aircraft. Because transportation occurred In

the sky (other than pedestrians walking on the roads), Acartian

traffic problems were in the air and not on the ground. There was

also some underground transportation in tunnels, air travel


Interplanet travel occurred on disc-shaped craft. These

spaceships had furniture that came out of the walls. The ship that

took Artur home had three levels. The bottom level had small

ships, weapons, and such; the second level, which was in the

middle, had dorms, storage spaces, labs, rooms, and corridors. The

top level had control, locomotion, and defense systems. The ship

moved by means of motors that used solar energy in conjunction

with the magnetic push-pull of objects. This is the same force that

moves planets, and, in fact, the attraction and repulsion of forces

from each planet and its respective sun generated the power to

move the ship through space. (The neutral zone was the area where

there was no such push-pull.) (See chapter 27, “return Voyage.” in

UFO from Planet Acart.) Thirty individuals controlled the craft.

Acorc said they had ships floating around Earth, but not landing on



Flying discs were thirty to thirty-five meters (98 to 115 feet) in

diameter and constructed from molds. There were ten solar motors

that propelled a ship in the Acartian atmosphere. As described

above, these spaceships moved by magnetic waves emitted from

planets. The motor produced a vibration that created a magnetic

wave, just like the ones emitted by planets; thus, one blocked,

while the other attracted. When something on each side of the craft

retracted, it controlled aircraft speed.

Social Stratification

Acartians had no social classes. The head of government, the Son

of the Sun, did not have a higher status, because Acart lacked a

system of social stratification. The Son of the Sun did not live in a

mansion, and he “had the same rights and responsibilities as

everyone else.” The Acartians selected him “as one among them

who would guide their destinies. Once they selected him, the Son

[sic] transformed their desires into laws and their words into

orders. This leader, however, could net accrue power to benefit

themselves [sic] but only to have laws made for the common

good,” (See chapter 11, “A Lunch with the Son of the Sun,” in

UFO Contact from Planet Acart.)

Social Institutions


Acorc Cat’s family was the only family described in the book.

Assuming this family lived in a normative fashion, | inferred that

Acartian marriages were monogamous, as this marriage consisted

of only one male and one female. Also, they seemed to have

nuclear families comprised of a husband, wife, and children. For

instance, the Son of the Sun's family consisted of a wife, son, and



Acartians were theists because they believed in God and

recognized him as creator of Earth, Acart, and all beings. They

believed God created them for good. They believed God would

“not give them things, but will delegate a man of some intelligence

and worth to give the necessary knowledge.” (See chapter 9, “A

City at Night,” in UFO Contact from Planet Acart.)

As stated previously, Acartians said prayers before meals. These

prayers took place in the home but not in public places; not because

they were private in their devotion, but because they were practical.

It was too noisy in public places to pray.


Money did not exist on the planet. (See chapter 7, “Going to a

Restaurant,” in UFO Contact from Planet Acart.) Artur discovered

this fact when he and Acorc were at a restaurant, He wanted to pay

for drinks, but when he reached into his pocket to get some money,

he realized that all he had was Brazilian money. He then learned

that they did not use money on Acart. How did their economy work

without the exchange of money? Acartians took whatever they

wanted or needed, but nothing more. The old did not have to work,

but Acartians of all ages did work because they wished to do so.

Every year, they took the time to travel. Males worked until they

were thirty years old, and then they retired. Females often were

homemakers, but some worked outside the home; and those who

did fell under the same system as working males.

At one time in Acartian history, there were many countries with

their own monetary systems. This system yielded a very rich

minority (10 percent), while the majority (90 percent) was very

poor. This stratification of individuals led to many crimes

committed by the poor because they were miserable. A scientist

then invented a machine that harnessed the power of the sun for

energy production, and this energy could be used as a weapon. He

demonstrated its power, and then he demanded all countries to

unite into one, and to abandon the use of money and the pursuit of

profit. All agreed, and they asked him to govern the new, unified

Acart. They called him the “Man of the Sun.” He refused the

governorship, but offered his son in his place. His son took the

position, taking the title of the “Son of the Sun.” (See chapter 20,

“A Planet without Money,” in UFO Contact from Planet Acart.)

Acartians had farms and factories. They did not plow their

fields, which produce little due to erosion. Instead, Acartians used

stepped terraces for farming. They used tractors similar to ours, but

their engines made no noise because they used solar power.

Animals, such as buffalo with one horn, were like cattle, providing

food, hides (used for fabric), and milk.

Factories were in mountainous regions because these places

were inhospitable for farming, and because the biggest mines for

producing solar steel were located there. Artur went to a factory

that was ten kilometers (6.2 miles) long, five hundred meters

(approximately 1,640 feet) wide, and thirty meters (98 feet) high.

The roof was one sheet of metal that served as a landing field for

airplanes. There were three lines of columns, and one crossing in

the middle. Conceivably, it would take one and a half hours to

cross the factory on foot.

Both machines and Acartians fashioned metal into different

products, such as electric lamps, TVs, and weapons. These

weapons, however, did not shoot bullets or other ammunition;

rather, they emitted a strong light powered by solar energy. Each

weapon shot out two hundred volts, which could kill an Acartian.

More powerful weapons were for spacecraft, and they could

destroy a building at two to three kilometers (about one and a half

miles). Another weapon, called a “neutralizer,” could destroy an

object up to five thousand kilometers (over 3,100 miles) away. This

weapon could destroy human life but leave buildings intact.

Different products (e.g., the skeleton of a solar ship and solar ship

motors) were manufactured in different sections of the factory.

This indicated they utilized specialization as an organizing



As previously mentioned, the capital of Acart was the city of Con.

(See chapter 26, “Good-byes,” in UFO Contact from Planet Acart.)

There was not much information about their governmental

structure, but Artur noted that “if you took a little from all the

governments on Earth, you'd have theirs.” (See questionnaire

section in UFO Contact from Planet Acart.)

The government building was round. The room Artur and the creatures were in was

rounded on three sides and flat on the fourth. The rounded part held

many desks with chairs. The desks were one behind the other in

lines, rising in stepped levels. There was a six-meter-long row with

nine of ten shoulder-high chairs near the flat wall.

Again, the Son of the Sun was the head of the government, but

he did not receive any payment or recognition that placed him

above anyone else. Consequently, he sat in the middle and presided

over a meeting of about five hundred council members. They

deliberated on the question of permitting Artur’s return to Earth.

Some council members thought Artur might bring news about their

planet back to humans, who in turn might threaten Acart. (See

chapter 10, “Their Government Decides,” in UFO Contact from

Planet Acart.) The Son of the Sun decided that because Artur had

come to Acart unwillingly, he should be returned to Earth.

As previously stated, there were no countries on Acart. The

inhabitants had abolished them through mutual consent, about a

hundred years after their wars ended. The entire planet constituted

their country. No social stratification existed, and everyone was

equal. The inhabitants of Acart were the government. They had

elections that were somewhat like Earth’s democracies. (See

chapter 8, “Homesick and Alarmed at the End of the Day.” in UFO

Contact from Planet Acart.) The Acartians picked a governor

(currently, the ' Son of the Sun') every three years.


Acorc took Artur to a “recreation city” near the Acartian seacoast.

(See chapter 19, “Marine Recreation,” in UFO Contact from Planet


While they traveled there, they passed over several cities.

As they approached the recreational city, they passed over a

building that was some twenty kilometers (slightly over twelve

miles) in length. This building, which curved with the shape of the

beach, had two floors. The first floor had juice bars, eateries, and

changing rooms; the second floor had dormitories.

Artur described two sports played on Acart. (See chapter 25, “A

Sports Field,” in UFO Contact from Planet Acart.) The first sport

was played on a field no longer than a basketball court. The field of

artificial grass measured eighty by one hundred meters (98 by 328

feet). Balconies and a gallery surrounded the field. Artur and the

Son of the Sun sat in the gallery area, but the bleachers and

galleries were described equally as “comfortable.” The stadium had

a removable roof powered by solar energy. When a bell rang,

everyone stood as the Son of the Sun, his family, and a few others

entered the stadium.

There was a white line across the middle of the field. It extended

twenty meters (sixty-five feet, six inches). The Acartians then drew

another line ten meters back from the first line. Another line twenty

meters long connected the first two lines. Twenty males, ten on

each side, faced one another across the middle line. Two of them

pushed each other backward, and each tried to get the other past the

line behind the midfield line. The team with the most members

pushed behind this line won.

Uniforms identified the teams. One team wore dark, knee-length

pants, and the other wore light ones. All of them wore parachutist-

type boats with cleats, and shirts with insignia's.

Each team’s members were equally matched. This game ended

with the score 6 to 4. The Son of the Sun gave medallions to the

winning team. Also, the first player who pushed his opponent past

the white line received a larger medallion.

The second game had two goals placed at opposite ends of the

field, for a distance of one hundred meters (328 feet). There were

three smaller goals between them.

Teams consisted of thirteen members each, and squad members

wore light and dark pants. Four more males were present as

“arbitrators” who coordinated and directed the game. They seemed

to play with a soccer-like ball, which they kicked.

Scoring occurred when someone kicked the ball around the goal,

not into it. If the ball went around a smaller goal, the team got one-

fifth of a point. If it went around a large goal, the team received

two-fifths of a point. If the ball circumvented a large goal two

consecutive times, the team earned 2.5 fifths each time. The

winning team scored 10 four-fifths points, while the losers scored

10 one-fifth points.

Social Problems


With ninety million beings living in an Acartian city, it was not

hard to imagine the predominant social problem on their planet was

overpopulation. In fact, because of this social problem, Acartians

came to Earth. They did not plan to invade Earth. They merely

planned to colonize it, after humans killed themselves in a

worldwide nuclear war.


There was no war on Acart, although there had been a nuclear one.

They had two weapons: a solar disintegrator and a solar neutralizer.

They used the first in war, and the second in medicine and farming.

They had gone through their own nuclear age, and they had

developed technology (i.e., solar neutralizer) to deal with radiation.

The solar neutralizer would be used to cleanse Earth from radiation

caused by nuclear war. Acartians would then repopulate the Earth.

They had their own weapons, but they were not guns. They were

more like flashlights that hung from the belt of those in positions of



As mentioned, this social problem once existed on Acart, at the

lime when they had a stratified society with the rich on top and the

poor on lower levels. The pursuit of profit created a poorer class.

When they abandoned stratification, poverty ended. Now everyone

pursued what he or she wanted and needed. All desired to do the

necessary work to keep such a system afloat.


During the time when they had countries with rich and poor (i.e.,

when they were socially stratified), Acartians had crime, which

they acknowledged.?? The poor committed crimes but were not

placed in jail. They worked just like everyone else, but were denied

the rights of other Acartians. These individuals could not go into

public places or travel to other cities.

Social Change

Acart went through two major social changes. First, they shifted

from nation-states to a universal, planetary government. They did

this after they nearly annihilated themselves in a nuclear war. As

described, a scientist, the so-called Man of the Sun, developed

technology that controlled their sun’s energy. Acartians conceded

to the Man of the Sun's demand to unite into one planetary society.

They did this when they saw they could be destroyed.

The second social change concerned stratification. Again, as

previously stated, there had been rich and poor strata on Acart, but

this led to a population distribution where 90 percent were poor

and 10 percent were rich. The extent of this inequality led to an

increased rate of crime, which threatened their society. Thus,

Acartians decided to abandon stratification, and, with it, the pursuit

of profit. Now everyone worked, and each received whatever they

wanted and needed, but not to excess. Knowing how well their

system functioned provided them with an incentive to continue.


Acartian society was surely a community in social organization,

which is because of its high degree of organization and complexity.

For instance, their governmental structure evolved from a nation-

state model to a universal, planetary form. Their technology was

complex. For example, they developed transportation systems that

enabled them to visit distant planets (e.g., Earth). They harnessed

solar energy for farming and medicine, as well as for weaponry.

Moreover, they also had a complicated system for daily air travel,

more complex than any road system we have on Earth.

Additionally, they had a retractable roof on their sports stadium,

artificial grass in their sports complex, TV screens on walls for

telephone calls (e.g.. the one on which Acorc saw his wife), and

cell-like telephones (e.g., the one on which Acorc called his friend,

Tuec).78 They did seem to have traditional social forms (by earthly

standards), despite their sophisticated technology. Although

females worked outside of the home, their behaviors at home

seemed traditional. They made meals and raised children without

the help of male spouses, for instance.

The Acartian society seemed to be socialistic, rather than

capitalistic, for it focused on the common good, not on individual

self-interest. For instance, they had no money for buying and

selling, If they needed or wanted something, they simply went to a

factory and got it. No one took anything in excess.

The Acartian diagram-for-social-living underwent a huge social

change as it dealt with three enormous problems-in-social-living:

(1) the pursuit of profit produced an imbalance in wealth, and this

inequality fostered an increase in their crime rate as the poor dealt

with their misery;
(2) they had a large overpopulation problem; and

(3) they barely survived a planetary nuclear war.

Where 10 percent of the Acartian population had been rich, 90

percent had been poor. This imbalance created a latent function of

developing a large increase in their crime rates. Acartians decided

to eliminate stratification in order to deal with this social problem.

Consequently, everyone resided on the same social strata and

possessed the same standard of living. (For example, when the Son

of the Sun showed up at the sports stadium, he and his entourage

sat in the same seats as every other spectator.) Thus, they moved

from a system of stratification to an equalitarian society. Inequality,

or discrimination, gave way to equality as a social value.

Second, their global population exploded. This social problem

had the latent function of driving their space program. They

explored distant planets in the hope of finding habitable places to

resettle their burgeoning population.

Third, their nuclear war inspired a scientist (the Man of the Sun)

to invent technology that eliminated future nuclear wars. The solar

neutralizer and solar disintegrator persuaded leaders of Acartian

countries to abandon their nation-states for a universal planetary

government. As members of the same society, war became


Finally, the portrait of planet Acart as described by Artur Berlet

and Wendelle C. Stevens demonstrated a place where technological!

advancement soared ahead of social development. Spacecraft

traveled millions of miles, landed on Earth, and were not detected

due to its stealth technology. This technology, however, was far

ahead of their husband-and-wife marital roles and their

Monogamous marriage form. Perhaps Acartians, like humans,

experience culture lag; that is, their technology moved ahead of

their social arrangements. In fact, the social organization of their

marriages and families appear to be more like Ozzie and Harriet of

the 1950s than the futuristic Star Trek. Acorc went to work, and his
wife stayed home with their children.